Life is all about ups and downs. Its full of roller coaster experiences. Rarely is there weeks, where you feel the same as you did the past week. Sickness. Worries. Forgetfulness. Trials...etc. Earth deals us cards that cannot always be played all the time. Sometimes we gotta fold a hand in order to go all in the next hand. Inconsistency is bittersweet. At times, we want it. Like when we eat. We dont always want mexican food, or only pasta. Sometimes we want a simple sandwich, or K-Lair's spicy chicken fingers. But other times, inconsistency will eat us up! Like this past week's weather. Monday it was mid 60s and shorts weather. I remember telling ppl to take advantage of the warmth cuz it wont be here for long. And, needless to say, I was dead right. Today is Friday, of course, and the weather couldnt be worse. Nasty snow, followed by ice and freezing rain. Seriously its freakin March for cryin out loud. Its freakin "spring forward" on saturday, yet were getting snowed in. So i got to thinkin...what else is sucky about inconsistency? Heres what i came up with:
- speed limits; if ya drive ya know what i mean. inconsistency in the speed changes kill me, even if its on the interstate. why change from 70 to 60 within ten miles? its just plain stupid. And i guess when people dont follow the speed limits and either go way to freakin fast or go super duper slow, also the inconsistency can really screw you over. Nuttin' like goin 34 in a 50.
- Jumpshot; that mug pisses me off almost more than anything b/c there will be times when im soakin wet and can't miss, then other times when i can't hit the ocean. i would much rather miss everything and force myself to practice more, than hit 4/10 or even 2/4. seriously it kills me b/c i feel like i can bury everything when im by myself shooting but then when good ol' game time arrives, i can't hit a lick, and would much more prefer sucking and bricking everything, trust me i have had long debates in my mind and sucking 100% of the time is better than balling 35% of the time b/c it forces me to practice more. its not even debatable.
- pain; the stress life produces itself is bad enough, with school, work, bills, female drivers, UK hoops, and with the NCAA bracket comin out in two weeks, stress is on overload!! then throw in pain? it just tops it all off! though pain can come emotionally or phyisically it doesnt matter, when its inconsistent its at its worse. Its a stage 5, level orange on security, whatever you wanna call it, it is tough to overcome and seems to linger longer than its supposed to. if im gunna be hurtin with physical pain, then i might as well jus take 3 weeks off and head for the hospital. why is pain just in for a day or two then gone for a couple of months? its the worst when its emotional pain b/c then you can get over whatever it is by simply just talking bad bout someone, or praying for the situation, or just realizing the big picture, but when an emotional wave hits shore...its game over for a week or more. then when the sun shines it shines awfully bright for quite a while. dont get me wrong, rain or even floods may come but when pain hits, it hits with all its force and it usually occurs at THE worst times ever.
This is no exhaustive list. List some inconsistencies, and reasoning.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
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