Friday, February 8, 2008

Trash Talk 101...

Trash talk. Dissin'. Hatin'. Jockin' on em. What do these phrases mean? They are frequently used, yet secluded to those who apply. "Trash Talk" is (usually) involved in sports and rarely used with kind, friendly words. The goal is to get "into" player's head of the opposing team. Duke uses this technique to perfection. Your plan is to cause them to overreact and make a fool of themselves, thus to your satisfaction. Although, you typically see the worse of the worse on tv because the camara man always finds the players who use slow motion cuss words, but it can also be just a joke that bothers people. I loved to trash talk in high school during games. I wasn't arrogant or stuck up, I just played mind games on players heads. I had so much fun and occasionally do it pick-up-games. Messin with the crowd (student section) was the best thing in the world!
So, in case you didn't know, I coach a K-1 upward bball team called the dragons. We are 2-0 (although your not supposed to keep score) Coincidently John coaches a team as well and this saturday our teams collide in an epic matchup! So last night at our practice, I told my kids how important this game was. I told them to "trash talk", foul illegally, grad jerseys, or do whatever you can get away with to smash the other team. And at the time I was glad to make them want to do well, but as I slept on it , I might have gone overboard, teaching these innocent kids wrong morals. Actually, I lied...I didn't tell them enough...This game is life or death....and I ain't dyin'

Tip-off is at 10 am --> so be there!!
(blood will be shed, glasses will get smashed, fingers will get boo-boo's, knees will be scraped and teeth will be lost!)

Below are some great trash talk pictures
Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3
Pic 4 Pic 5 Pic 6

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Jordan XX3...

The End of a Saga

For most people, this picture is nothing more than a shoe. But to fanatics (like myself) this is the end of Jordans. Yes, the Air Jordans are no longer going to be labeled by numbers. Jordan Brand is going to continue to produce shoes but they will no longer be numbered. Ahh, I just in awe of the run they had! Not to brag, but to put money where my mouth is, I am a major Jordan fan, especially shoes. I have 18 pairs of Jordans. I am missing the II, VIII, XIV, and XX2, but I will purchase the ones shown above to equal 19. My goal (since '04) was to purchase every pair of Jordans in a single color then double up. My goal is in sight but it is a lot of money to dish out. The way I justify it is by viewing it as a lifelong goal to eventually pass down to my kids (hopefully a son). My brother and myself have this constant arguement on who wastes their money the most. He spends like 15-20 dollars on Webkinz and I spend x (more than $20) amount on J's. I claim they will last longer and will forever remain popular, he claims he will play with these stuffed animals for 5 more years. I highly doubt that, but nonetheless you may agree that I do waste my money.

-So to those who think I'm a retard to buying these, please list your reasonings.

-And to those who like J's, throw ya best/favorite pair out there with a explanation.