Friday, February 8, 2008

Trash Talk 101...

Trash talk. Dissin'. Hatin'. Jockin' on em. What do these phrases mean? They are frequently used, yet secluded to those who apply. "Trash Talk" is (usually) involved in sports and rarely used with kind, friendly words. The goal is to get "into" player's head of the opposing team. Duke uses this technique to perfection. Your plan is to cause them to overreact and make a fool of themselves, thus to your satisfaction. Although, you typically see the worse of the worse on tv because the camara man always finds the players who use slow motion cuss words, but it can also be just a joke that bothers people. I loved to trash talk in high school during games. I wasn't arrogant or stuck up, I just played mind games on players heads. I had so much fun and occasionally do it pick-up-games. Messin with the crowd (student section) was the best thing in the world!
So, in case you didn't know, I coach a K-1 upward bball team called the dragons. We are 2-0 (although your not supposed to keep score) Coincidently John coaches a team as well and this saturday our teams collide in an epic matchup! So last night at our practice, I told my kids how important this game was. I told them to "trash talk", foul illegally, grad jerseys, or do whatever you can get away with to smash the other team. And at the time I was glad to make them want to do well, but as I slept on it , I might have gone overboard, teaching these innocent kids wrong morals. Actually, I lied...I didn't tell them enough...This game is life or death....and I ain't dyin'

Tip-off is at 10 am --> so be there!!
(blood will be shed, glasses will get smashed, fingers will get boo-boo's, knees will be scraped and teeth will be lost!)

Below are some great trash talk pictures
Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3
Pic 4 Pic 5 Pic 6


Anonymous said...

You don't stand a chance. We will be bringing everything we got to shut you all down.

You better bring your A game on Saturday, or it's going to be a looong day.

TaylorW said...

those trash talkin' pics are awesome... haha

I was known to occasionally trash talk in high school (for soccer). My classic phrase to opponents was: "hey,You play ball like a girl!"

(worked everytime) You just can't shake that comment when someone says it to you in a game.

brilliant post...

Anonymous said...

hahaha my favorite pictures are pic 1 and 2. haha "yeah oscar your a grouch."

solid post, you have my support saturday, in spirit of course.

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot brandon. where's the love?

Anonymous said...

That teeth picture is disgusting, but I'm loving the Steelers shout-out!!

Good luck to both of y'all on Saturday...I'm not getting in the middle. :)

Anonymous said...

amelia, you're two days late. i lost.

Jordan said...

So i hear that this game(which of course, had no score) wasn't even close! Congrats jeremy!

Wiley...too bad you didn't have Banks on your team..his granny shot dominates.

Anonymous said...

as a reward for this huge game, jeremy, i think you should buy some XXIII's for your kids...

also - i meant to ask you if your team wanted to scrimmage my asbury team. just curious. you know my number. hit me up.

JHobb$ said...

we will stomp on those asbury chumps, no need to set up a scrimmage. And my kids haven't earned J's yet, they have to score 100 before I do anything special.

TaylorW said...

I guess you used your mulligan by NOT posting on TUESDAY...